Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dishwasher Story - (posted by ben)

our ancient dishwasher was on the brinks of dying, so i couldn't resist the $125 rebate and 10% off coupon for Lowes to get the Dishwasher down from $400 to $215. if you're observant or have met me for any length of time you'll likely have realized that Noelle calls me a money nazzi for a reason. i'm cheap. so i wasn't about to let Lowe's sell me their $99 installation.

7pm last night a $200 installation fee even was sounding pretty attractive after i was drenched with water.. I had shut off the waterline under the sink as the directions said, but didn't realize the water supply line wasn't coming from the sink (as normal dishwasher supply lines do) but from the basement. so as i became a human sponge Noelle ran down stairs while I frantically tried to guide her to the main water shut off to.. you guessed it, shut it off. once everyone's mind cleared, and i successfully got my thumb wedged over the spurting pipe as the human sponge had been filled to capacity, i was able to give coherent instructions to Noelle as to where the water shutoff is and which direction to turn the handle... then i asked her to bring a bottle of shampoo up - can't waste all that water i was holding!

3 hours later and one trip to home depot and back, i'd gotten the tubes and fittings i needed to finish the job, the instructions that accompanied the dishwasher long since discarded and replaced with a walking and talking fix-it genious - my sister in law, Holly. when all is said and done, i got a bath a day earlier than i would have otherwise, saved $99, got a high that no one should get over installing a dishwasher, but i'm still overflowing with a sense of accomplishment, and most best of all, had a great time working next to my sister in law - the brains and COUGH brawn COUGH of the operation. hey, i have to give credit where credit's due :)