Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Toothbrush

If I never saw a toothbrush again, I'd be a very happy woman. I might be a friendless woman, and my husband may never kiss me again, but at least I wouldn't have to relive the horrors I experienced today. Every day since work has ended I've been checking things off my to-do list and today I decided to tackle the refrigerator. Well, the bleach water solution and rags just weren't doing the trick, so I got an old toothbrush and went at it. Three hours later and probably some callouses from scrubbing so hard, I was finished.

Now for the part of the story I can't believe I'm publicly revealing...
Some days I get done with the housework and think, "Hmm, I bet not a single soul (except for maybe Ben) even has a hint of an idea of the meticulous, OCD inspired, travail I have just endured." So to appease my disconcerted mind, I took pictures of the before and after of the fridge project. No...I'm not that pathetic to post pictures (not to mention my friends would probably never eat at my house again if they saw the before pictures) but just to keep them for a day or two and remind myself of two things, "It's good to be a housewife!" and "Label that toothbrush so it does not by mistake ever enter another human mouth again."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Highlights from the Second Trimester

For anyone who has experienced pregnancy, or for all of you out there who continously hear about all the horrific, too detailed, every second updates about pregnant women (therefore feeling like you have experienced this thing called pregnancy) ... you'll realize that I must have been in my second trimester from Jan - April as that is the time when you get a whirlwind boost of energy and therefore become Ms. Fix It, Ms. Social, Ms. I Can Do It All and therefore neglect your blog.

Highlights from Jan would have included snow, dreariness, and boredom.

Highlights from Feb would have included:

-an amazing trip to see Amy in Chicago
-quality time with Megan on the plane
-Ben spilling paint all over the carpet during his painting marathon just so he could surprise me with a painted nursery
- Ben's last MBA class ever, giving me a life again on Monday nights besides Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy

Highlights from March would have included:

- free tickets to the Sabres game from a very kind coworker of Ben's
- a surprise getaway to Niagra Falls, Canada schemed up from my wonderful husband
- a $20 souvenior from Canada also known as a parking ticket (apparently Canadians are cheap and only have one parking meter for a whole row of cars rather than individual meters, therefore making it very easy for two intelligent college graduates (one with an MBA) to both overlook the meter
- my first gambling experience (calm down everyone it was with fake money and it was for a charity event, no my pregnancy hormones have not led me to the dark side)

Now Ms. Fix It is becoming Ms. Clumsy, Ms. Social is trading her name in for Ms. Too Tired to Socialize and Ms. I Can Do It All has requested a new title Ms. Can You Do It For Me Ben. However, the good news is that you all will once again have some very un-entertaining blog posts.